20 Question Slytherin Quiz!
Only a true Slytherin can get top marks in this awesome quiz! Let's see how much you know!
Let's see how much you know about Slytherin House and its founder Salazar Slytherin!

What animal is featured on the Slytherin badge?

What are Slytherin's house colours?

What was the name of the person who founded this house?

What rare gift did he have?

How did he select his students?

What was his wand made from?

Which of these people was not a head of Slytherin house?

What qualities do Slytherin students possess?

Who are Slytherin's Quidditch rivals?

Where is the Slytherin common room located?

Who was the last known head of Slytherin house?

In the French translation of the Harry Potter books, what is Slytherin called?

Which famous wizard was part of Slytherin house?

What type of magic are Slytherin pupils particularly good at?

What is it?

What is the name of the Slytherin house ghost?

True or false: Slytherin is the first and last house to be mentioned in the Harry Potter stories

In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, what house is Albus Potter sorted into?

What animal is featured on Salazar’s locket, which became Voldemort’s third horcrux?

Who was not part of Slytherin house?

Oh no! You definitely belong to Hufflepuff house. Have another go!

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Amazing! You clearly know your stuff. Your name isn't Malfoy, is it?