The Ultimate Times Tables Quiz
Think you're good at maths, do you? Take this quiz to find out - it'll be fun! Honest!
See how quick you can answer these! You don't get any more points or anything - but it is harder!
Hurry! The clock is ticking!

2 x 4?

6 x 4?

How's about 5 x 5?

9 x 9? Oh, and you can ignore the pineapple.

Phew. Errrm... 9 x 7?

Still easy eh? Ok. 7 x 8?

Right, so this one's a bit different. Do the sum on the whiteboard, and then times that by 3.

So first, do 2 x 4. Then times that answer by 5. What have you got?

11 x 7? Go on.

Ok finally... what's 12 x 12?

Oops! Never mind - this was a tough quiz. Try another?

Not bad at all! This was a pretty tough quiz too! Try another?

Good maths skills you got there! Very nice!

Woah! You're a genius! High score over here!