What Slime Are You? Quiz
There are so many different types of slime out there, but which slime are you? Take our slime quiz to find out!

Where are you most likely to hang out?

Who would be your dream teacher?
3/7 Pick a monster

What's your favourite snack?

How do your normally get someone's attention?

What do you have on your bedroom wall?
7/7 Choose a slimy creature

You're Classic slime!
No need for that fancy stuff. You're just good old-fashioned slime - just like Mama used to make!

You are Glitter slime!
Sparkle sparkle!

You are Radioactive slime!
You glow in the dark and are a danger to those around you! You go goo!

You are Galaxy slime!
You are full of cosmic wonder and are totally out of this world!

You are Noisy slime!

You are slime that didn't quite work!
You're a bit of a disaster, but that's fine! You're the best disaster! Own it!