20 Thumb Jokes That Need A Round Of Applause
Looking for some finger zingers? Check out these hand-some thumb jokes for all your comedy needs!
These hilarious thumb jokes get the thumbs up from us! You might not think thumbs are that funny, but just wait to you get your grubby mitts on these 20 thumb puns and one-liners! And for more bodily silliness, check out these arm jokes, these teeth jokes, and even these bum jokes! Pew-eee!
Ready to find out why thumbs might secretly be the funniest body part? Then let's read on!
Netflix is replacing its star ratings with thumbs up and thumbs down
Whether you like it, or not!

I always think my thumb is on the left side
On the other hand, it might be on the right!

Who's got two thumbs and knows how to use scissors?
Not me!

What did finger say to the thumb?
I'm in glove with you!

Turns out my wife has a bit of a green thumb
And I need to go to the hospital!

What blood type was the typist with massive thumbs?

How do you feel about hitchhiking?
It gets a thumbs up from me!

What has 4 fingers and a thumb but isn’t your hand?
My hand!

Why should you never brush your teeth with your thumb?
Because a toothbrush works better!

Rule of thumb:
When cutting, keep it away from the blade!

I don't have a green thumb...
Both of mine are pinkish!

I won a thumb at a lisp competition, but lost it soon after
You win thumb, you lose thumb!

Why do my fingers refuse to agree with my thumbs?
Because my thumbs are opposable!

How do you reattach a severed thumb?
With a finger nail!

Where do fingers store their photos?
On a thumb drive!

What do astronauts and a typist's thumbs have in common?
They both hang around the space bar!

Guess who's got 3 thumbs and can't count?
This guy!

What did Jesus Christ say when he hit his thumb with a hammer?

I have 6 thumbs, 12 feet and 3 heads. What am I?
A liar!

The other night I superglued my thumb and forefinger together
Dont worry, everything is ok!

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