Are These Animals Real or Fake?
Can you spot these made-up creatures from the animal kingdom?

Harry Potter | Warner Brothers
We've all seen the hippogriff in the Harry Potter films, so surely it's real, right?

Aw! It's part-rabbit, part-stag. It's the Jackalope from the US of A!

You wouldn't want the Dementor Wasp bothering you at a picnic.

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Is this pig-nosed rat with vampire teeth real or fake?

Looks like a vampire koala. It's the Australian Drop Bear.

Scotland's biggest mystery... The Loch Ness Monster!

This Pink Fairy Armadillo can't be real, can it?

Is it a deer or a a dog? It's a Maned Wolf!

Surely the Brontosaurus is the real deal?

What about this chap, the Star-Nosed Mole?

Oh dear! To be fair, some of these fake animals are quite convincing. Have another go!

Good effort! This was pretty tricky, but you did pretty well!

Great work! You almost got a perfect score!

Fantastic! There's no fooling you when it comes to 'fake or real' animal quizzes!