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Collins Key

Collins Key Quiz: How Well Do You Know Collins Key?

Think you know everything about Collins Key? Take the quiz and see!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Good luck!

1/10 A young Collins Key | How Well Do You Know Collins Key?
collinskey | Instagram

What did Collins want to be when he was younger?

2/10 Collins Key and Nick Cannon on a TV show in 2013 | How Well Do You Know Collins Key?
collinskey | Instagram

Which US telly programme did he appear on in 2013?

3/10 Collins Key | How Well Do You Know Collins Key?
collinskey | Instagram

What did he do in the show?

4/10 Collins and Will Smith | How Well Do You Know Collins Key?
collinskey | Instagram

Collins was born on May 9, 1996. Which TV show was launched that year?

5/10 Collins with Jiffpom | How Well Do You Know Collins Key?
collinskey | Instagram

Which awards ceremony was he asked to co-host in 2014 alongside Ariane Grande and Taylor Swift?

6/10 Collins eating a bowl of cereal | How Well Do You Know Collins Key?
collinskey | Instagram

How tall is Collins?

7/10 Collins and his brother | How Well Do You Know Collins Key?
collinskey | Instagram

What's the name of his younger brother who has over a million followers on Instagram?

8/10 Collins Key | How Well Do You Know Collins Key?
collinskey | Instagram

What are his social media followers called?

9/10 Collins Key sitting on the ground, looking a bit sad | How Well Do You Know Collins Key?
collinskey | Instagram

What type of films does Collins hate?

10/10 Collins Key attempts to do a card trick | How Well Do You Know Collins Key?
collinskey | Instagram

At what age did Collins launch his YouTube channel to show off his magic tricks?

Oh dear!
collinskey | Instagram

Oh dear! Did you take this quiz by accident, thinking it was about actual keys? Have another go!

Good try!
collinskey | Instagram

Good try! This quiz was as tricky as trying to eat a bowl of cereal upside down, but you did well!

Great work!
collinskey | Instagram

Great work! You just missed out on a perfect score. Why not have one more go?

collinskey | Instagram

Awesome! You literally know everything there is to know about Collins Key. Are your initials C.K. by any chance?