Ultimate Dixie D'Amelio Quiz
How well do you really know this mega-famous TikToker? Take this quiz to find out!

@dixiedamelio | instagram
Ok, let's start with an easy one. Who is Dixie's sister?

@dixiedamelio | instagram
Is Dixie the older or younger sister?

@dixiedamelio | instagram
Dixie first got famous on Snapchat. True or false?

@fallontonight | giphy
How many Tik Tok followers has Dixie got?

@heididamelio | instagram
What's Dixie's mum's name?

Which of these causes does Dixie care most about?

Dixie and Charli are from the US state of Connecticut. What part of the US is that in?

Dixie used to take part in BMX competitions - and won some big trophies! True or false?

@dixiedamelio | instagram
Which of these things did she post a video right after?

@dixiedamelio | instagram
Oh dear! Never mind. Try another quiz?

@dixiedamelio | instagram
Not bad! Dixie's not that impressed, but not bad!

@dixiedamelio | instagram
Good job! You know your Dixie!

@dixiedamelio | instagram
Woah! Dixie D'Amelio expert over here!