Ultimate Fart Quiz!
Are you a bottom burp expert? Test your knowledge of fart trivia with this parp-tastic fart quiz!
Good luck!

The Nutty Professor | Producers: Brian Grazer, Russell Simmons | Director: Tom Shadyac | Imagine Entertainment
On average, how many times a day do humans fart?

What is the name of the gas that makes our farts smell awful?

SpongeBob SquarePants | Nickelodeon
Holding in a bottom burp can be bad for your health. True or false?

Which type of fish communicate by farting?

Kevin (Probably) Saves the World | Fazekas & Butters ABC Studios | ABC Network
What is the name of someone who farts for a living?

There is a company called Shreddies who invented pants to stop your farts smelling. True or false?

Party Legends | Giphy
In which decade was the 'Whoopee Cushion' invented?

Farts cannot catch fire. True or false?

TipsyElves | Giphy
How many farts happen on earth every second?

Why would chewing gum make you fart more?

Oh dear! Better luck next time. Have you ever let off?

Good try! Why not eat some beans and have another go?

Great work! You know your stuff when it comes to guff!

Wow! You're a parp champ!