The Ultimate Florence Price Quiz!
Florence Price has an awesome life story, but how much do you know about her? Take our special Black History Month quiz and see what you know about Florence!
Florence Price was a pioneer for female composers! Find out more about her and her life in this awesome quiz! There's more Black History Month stuff here, and more music quizzes here! And there's even more history quizzes here!

Where was Florence from?

What year was she born?

What is she famous for?

How many symphonies did she compose?

Why did she say she was from Mexico?

Which famous pianist was she friends with?

What style did she compose in?

True or false: She was the first African American woman to have a symphony performed by a top orchestra?

Which of these ways of honouring Florence has been done?

How many works did she compose in total?

Incredible! You're a music history master!

Great stuff! You're obviously clued up on Florence!

You know a little bit about Florence, but have another go and see if you can score higher!

Uh oh, looks like you need to go back to the history books! Have another go!