Ultimate Monica and Chandler From Friends Quiz!
Are you Monica and Chandler's biggest fans? Let's find out! We've put together this tricky Monica and Chandler quiz to see just how much you know about them!
It's time to find out how much you know about the best couple from friends - Monica and Chandler! Do you remember how they got together? Or why Monica put that Turkey on her head? It's time to find out, with this Ultimate Chandler and Monica quiz!

What fan nickname are the couple known by?

When do they first get together?

When did they first meet?

In which season do they nearly get married in Vegas?

Why does Monica put a turkey on her head?

Who does Chandler dress up as to entertain Ben?

Who nearly marries them?

What age do they agree to get married if they're still single?

What did Monica do to Chandler in 'The One With All the Thanksgivings'?

What are their children called?

Oh no, looks like you're clueless when it comes to Mondler! Maybe you've spent too much time with your head in a turkey? Either way, you'll have to try again if you want to do better!

You definitely know that Monica and Chandler are a thing, but not much else! Maybe you've been in Tulsa this whole time? Have another go and see if you can score higher!

Nice job! Looks like you're a big Monica and Chandler shipper! But can you get full marks next time? Try and see!

Woah, you're the ultimate Mondler fan! You know everything about them, and you got full marks! Be honest, are you Joey? Congrats!