Can You Pass This Ultimate Sports Trophy Quiz?
If your trophy cabinet is emptier than the Beano offices snack draw, you’ll be rubbish at this Sports Trophy Quiz. How many world championships have you even won? Have you won Wimbledon yet? No!? Not even the doubles!? How about the World Cup? The Euro’s?The Open? Haven’t you even won an Olympic Gold medal? You’re going to struggle with this Ultimate Sports Trophy Quiz!
It’s not the taking part that counts, it’s the winning of a great big golden trophy that’s important. Can you pass this Ultimate Sports Trophy Quiz? Then try and beat The Essential Football Stadium Quiz! or smash our ace 25 Question Ultimate Tennis Quiz! or whack The Ultimate Cricket Quiz 2021! for six!

Which cricket team competes with England for a tiny urn containing the ashes of an ancient cricket bails?

What item (that you might find on your dinner table) is awarded to the winner of the ladies Wimbledon tennis Championship?

What’s this EPIC trophy?

Who is the Football World Cup named after?
5/10 When the World Cup was stolen in 1966 who found it?

Which Rugby team competes with England for a trophy topped with Silver Elephant called the Calcutta Cup?

Which US sport do the winners of this trophy play?

Which sport do the winners of the Ryder Cup Trophy play?

How do you get to keep the Champions League Trophy?

What do the winners of the F1 traditionally spray over the crowd?

You win the Wooden Spoon for last place

Not bad but you don’t get anything for second place!

You’ve won the cup!