The Ultimate Wrestlemania Quiz!
Wrestlemania is one of the biggest names in the world of pro-wrestling, but how much do you know about it?
From the old school greats like Andre the Giant to the new kids on the block, Wrestlemania has got a long history full of excitement, and the occasional showstopper - but how much do you know about this incredible wrestling event? Why don't you try this quiz and find out for yourself?

Name this wrestler:

When was the first event?

Who created it?

Where was the first event held?

Who did Hulk Hogan wrestle alongside in the first ever Wrestlemania?

Who finally beat the Undertaker?

If you got Mr T for question 6 well done! But what TV show is Mr T famous for?

How tall was Andre the Giant?

Which Wrestlmania was the first to be headlined by women?

How long did it take for The Rock to beat Erick Rowan?

Uh Oh! Looks like you've been pinned to the ground and made to tap out! Maybe it's worth rewatching some of the classic rounds and trying again?

Nice work! With brains like yours, you're nearly ready to step into the ring! Why not have another go and see if you can get 100%?

Wow! You've nearly gotten full marks, well done! If this were Wrestlemania, the chances are you'd nearly beaten your opponent and then BAM! Out comes The Rock and pounds you to dust - you came so close! Why not try again?

Full marks! Looks like we've got a new Wrestlemania Champion! Congratulations, let me just fetch you your belt! You know everything there is to know about Wrestlemania - nice!