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10 Question Unusual Laws Quiz

Some laws make absolute sense. Some laws are too weird to make any sense at all! This quiz will test even the most senior judge!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

There are loads of ways to end up in trouble with the law, but with a strong moral compass, and an understanding of common sense you should manage to avoid such a fate… Except that loads of weird old laws still exist. Laws that you might break by accident.

See if you can avoid jail in 10 Question Unusual Laws Quiz. If you’re found innocent why not take advantage of your freedom by checking out your options with the Beano News: Summer Holiday Special. Otherwise you might be better off consulting our How To Have an Awesome Holiday at Home! article! Good luck and…



Whales beached on the coast of the UK must first be offered to the reigning King or Queen.


It is illegal to carry a plank of wood along a pavement in Greater London (excluding the City of London).


It is an offence to handle a salmon while looking a bit suspicious.


You are allowed to wee in a police officer’s helmet if you are pregnant AND there are no public toilets nearby.


You are not allowed to wear a suit of armour inside Parliament.


It is illegal to name a cat or smaller pet after the reigning monarch or a direct descendent of the throne.


You are not allowed to shake a rug outside before 8am.


You are not allowed to play bingo in a library.


It is illegal to dress as a police officer at Halloween.


By law, you must read a copy of the Beano every week.

Guilty! You failed to answer the questions about these 10 unusual laws and the judge has sentenced you to have a good think about this. Into the corner you go!

The jury's out! They're outside the courtroom and spending ages deciding whether you're guilty of not knowing all these weird laws. The judge could do with a nap!

Not guilty! Phew. It seems you know a lot about the laws of the land! You may leave these courts with your head held high.

Innocent! You know the law inside out. You may as well become a judge or something – you get to wear a big wig and get to bash a gavel on your big wooden podium!