Viola Jokes That Will Add a String to Your Bow!
These viola jokes are pretty sharp! Check them out and have a laugh!
These viola jokes will really hit the right note! Try them out on your mates and hope that they don't fall flat! And if you liked these, check out more music jokes, like these piano puns! Or how about having a giggle with these classical music jokes? You might even like these silly singing jokes! And we've got loads more laughs on our main jokes hub!
Why is Robin Hood so good at Viola?
He's skilled with a bow!

Why was the string instrument removed from the orchestra?
For being too viola-nt!

Why should you always do what you're told in an orchestra?
You don't want to viola-te the rules!

What's the difference between a viola and a violin?
The 'in'!

What's purple and sounds like a violin?
A viola-et!

What did one viola say to the other?
Give it a rest!

Why did the viola need fixing?
It was baroque!

Why are violas so accomplished?
They have many strings to their bows!

Who stars in Hollywood movies and orchestras?
Viola Davis!

Why are violas bad at telling jokes?
They always fall flat!

Why was the viola nervous?
It was in treble!

How many viola players does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
It doesn't matter, they can't get up that high!

How can you tell if a viola is out of tune?
The bow is moving!

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