50 Best Washing Machine Jokes for Kids For A Load Of Laughs!
These washing machine jokes will start a cycle - of laughter! Check out these funny washing machine jokes, we promise they won't hang you out to dry!
Take these funny kid-friendly washing machine jokes for a spin! And if you liked these, check out more funny jokes here! How about these totally terrific toilet jokes? Or maybe you're in the mood for some silly smelly jokes? What about these tuneful trumpet jokes? Check out hundreds more funny jokes on our main jokes hub!
What did the washing machine say to the sock?
Stop spinning around, you're making me dizzy!

What did one laundry pile say to the washing machine?
We have to clean up our act!

Do you want to hear my joke about the washing machine?
It's spin-credible!

Why is a washing machine like agood football defender?
It can tackle any stain!

What's the best way to get rid of stains in your laundry?
Stop making them in the first place!

How do washing machines chuckle?
They laugh out load!

What do you call a shirt that’s been shrunk in the wash?Â
A smaller shirt!

What do you call an old shirt that's never been in a washing machine?

What do you call a dryer that’s in a bad mood?
A grumble dryer!

Why did the washing machine go to the gym?
To get stronger on tough stains!

I could either do the laundry or eat a cake...
You could say it was all or muffin!

Due to spilling some laundry detergent, I couldn't go to school...
What can I say? My hands were Tide!

What do you call a big pile of laundry in the White House?
A washing ton!

Why did the boxer hate doing his laundry?
He refused to throw in the towel!

I've stopped ironing my laundry...
I have more pressing matters!

Washing machine jokes?
I've got loads of them!

I just built a car out of a washing machine...
I’ll be taking it for a spin later!

I started ironing my clothes...
To de-crease how bad I looked!

What do you call it when you don't shut the washing machine door properly?
A clothes call!

What type of exercise do washing machines enjoy?
A spin cycle!

I did my laundry today...
That was a load off of my mind!

What’s a washing machine’s favourite type of chocolate?

I always say that If you think doing laundry isn't funny...
You need a dryer sense of humour!

When it comes to laundry, I feel like the first president...
Because I am washing-a-ton!

My dad lost a sock after doing his laundry...
He said, “That’s a sockrifice I had to make!"

What did the child do when she saw her dad fall over with the laundry?
She watched it all unfold!

What did one sock say to the other sock in the washing machine?
I’ll see you next time around!

What happened to the leopard that fell into the washing machine?
They came out spotless!

Why are goalkeepers good at doing laundry?
Because they love clean sheets!

How much fun is washing your clothes?

What detergent should you use at Christmas?
Yule Tide!

I did my laundry today
It was a load off my mind!

It's very important that I get my laundry dried
There's a lot on the line!

Why should you put banknotes in the washing machine?
It's a real money spinner!

Why was the laundry sad?
It was all washed up!

 Why did the iron have a meeting with the laundry?
To iron out their differences!

I'm sick of doing my washing
I've thrown in the towel!

Well, better get on with my washing...
I've got loads to do!

What detergent do mermaids use?

What did the washing machine say to the dirty laundry?
Sort yourself out!

I decided to change my washing powder...
It was a Bold move!

What do you call an expert in washing machines?
A spin doctor!

Why should you put mice in your washing machine?
If you want your clothes to be squeaky clean!

Me and my friend had a race to see who could hang the washing fastest
It was level pegging!

What's a washing machine's favourite state?

I put my headphones in the washing machine...
I wanted to get a cleaner sound!

What happens if you drop your wallet in the washing machine?
You become a money launderer!

My shirt got damaged in the washing machine...
It was a casual tee!

My washing machine keeps ripping up my clothes
It's a vicious cycle!

What stars in movies and does your laundry?
Denzel Washing Machine!

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