What Bird Am I? Personality Quiz
Are you a pigeon, a toucan or something altogether more majestic? Take this bird personality quiz now and soar!
Which original tweeter are you?

What do you feel like doing today?

Do you have a mirror?

NBA | Giphy
What's your favourite sauce?

Who's your best friend?

What's the best way to get around?

SpongeBob SquarePants | Giphy
What's your favourite TV show?

What do you enjoy doing the most?

Adventure Time | Giphy
How do you like to spend a Saturday morning?

What are you like on aeroplanes?

Marshmello | Giphy
What are you like during exams?

You are an: EAGLE
The boss of the skies. A majestic animal with a very pointy beak and amazing eyesight. Quite frightening, when you think about it.

You are a: BUDGIE
Everyone's got a budgie or knows someone who has. Stop looking in the mirror and doing something fun!

You are a: TOUCAN!
That's a big beak, isn't it. We bet it makes eating pizza from a short distance really easy!

You are a: PIGEON!
Fun fact: 10 billion pigeons will suddenly appear if you start sprinkling seeds in the middle of London!