What Gumball Character Are You?
Are you a Gumball or downright Darwinian? Find out which Amazing World of Gumball character you are with this epic quiz!
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Rarest AnswerGumball!
What is your best personality trait?
What are you most proud of about yourself?
What are you most likely to say?
How do you like to spend your free time?
Favourite colour?
What is your favourite thing to eat or drink?
What do you dislike?
What would be your ideal item of clothing?
What is your greatest weakness?
Favourite song?
You are Gumball Watterson! Optimistic, sarcastic and highly imaginative - you love antics and adventures, but can sometimes be a little sensitive. Well done!
You are Darwin Watterson! As an orange walking fish you may be wonderfully weird - but you are a happy and positive person who is ALWAYS ready to support their friends with a kind word and a smile. Great job!
You are Anais Watterson! As a pink rabbit genius you may sometimes be socially awkward and badly behaved, but you are fun, fiery and incredibly intelligent. Well done!
Banana Joe!
You are Banana Joe! A natural (and organic) class clown, you may be a bit messy but you can always be relied upon to crack jokes and be a literal banana. Great job!