Harry Potter Mythical Creature Quiz!
You probably know which Hogwarts student you're most like – but what about the fantastic creatures?
Let's find out!

What's the first thing you do when you get home from school?

What's the creepiest thing you can think of?

What's your favourite type of animal?

Who's your favourite Harry Potter character?

And which Harry Potter character would you cross the street to avoid?

What's your favourite colour?

What's the best name for a ghost?

What's the greatest Harry Potter book?

What's the best type of biscuit?

Which Hogwarts house is the best?

You are a: BASILISK!
You're the King of the Serpents, which sounds cool until you realise that you're a bit of a villain!

You are a: GOBLIN!
This wasn't the answer you were expecting, was it? Sorry.

You are a: HIPPOGRIFF!
You're part-eagle, part-horse and handy if you need a lift somewhere!

You are a: DEMENTOR!
You float around and scare child wizards. Don't blame us, blame the computer!