What Kind of Wolf Am I? Quiz
Artic or Timber? Great Plains or Lobo? What kind of wolf are YOU? Find out with this howlingly epic quiz!
Let's find out what type of wolf you are!

What sort of climate do you like?

Any preferences on your den?

What sort of colour fur would you like to have?

Where would you most enjoy living?

What are you best at?

What is your favourite meal?

What's an unusual thing about you?

What word best describes your personality?

What is your greatest fear?

How big are you?

Arctic Wolf!
You're an Arctic Wolf! You're somewhat rare, medium-sized wolf with beautiful white fur. You are usually curious about humans rather than aggressive or scared, but we don't know that much about you because you migrate in the wintertime when there is no light in the Arctic, so we can't see what you're doing!

Red Wolf!
You're a Red Wolf! You are mostly found in the Southeastern of United States and you have a reddish-tawny coloured coat. More sociable than your coyote cousins but a bit shyer than a grey wolf, you are a very rare and nearly extinct!

Great Plains Wolf!
You are a Great Plains Wolf! Also known as a Buffalo Wolf, you often have light-coloured hair but often with black markings. You are nearly entirely extinct now, but in your heyday Native Americans recall how just three of you could bring down a huge bison when you hunted. Mighty!

Mexican Wolf!
You are a Mexican Wolf! Also know as Lobo, you are the smallest of North America's grey wolves with a light brown-grey coat mixed with black over your back and tail. You were once regarded as sacred in Pre-Columbian Mexico but you are now nearly extinct.