What Marvel Agents Of Shield Character Are You?
Are you an expert in martial arts and espionage? Probably not, but that doesn't mean you can't find out which Agent of Shield character you are most like!
You already know the super-secret spy agency SHIELD, but do you know which agent's personality is most like yours? No? Well it's time to find out!
On the hunt for more Marvel-ous quizzes? Check out these smashing Hulk facts, this Marvel Universe quiz, or even find out which Wandavision character is most like you!

It's your birthday. What's the plan?

Who's your real-life hero?

You're late for school.. What now?
4/9 What animal would you like to be?
5/9 Favourite colour?

When you were younger what was your favourite cartoon?

Favourite Food?

Ethical dilemma: You find a £5 note. What do you do?
9/9 What's your perfect pet?

Phil Coulson
Like Phil Coulson you like to be in charge. Unlike Phil Coulson you haven't been brought back to life after being fatally wounded by Loki, thank goodness.

Melinda May
You have many skills and you're not afraid to use them!

Like Grant, you're a complex character who likes to keep your emotions on the inside as much as possible. So you're a tough nut to crack but there's no-one I'd rather have watching my back when troubles brewing!

You're Skye
Like Skye, you're good with tech and you really care about the world you're growing up in. A perfect combo!