What % Matilda Are You?
Find out how similar you are to Matilda by taking this highly scientific personality quiz!
Let's find out!
What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
It’s Saturday. What are you most likely to do?
What are you like when it comes to playing games?
What would you do if your teacher was being really unfair?
What words would your friends use to describe you?
What’s your favourite animal?
The telly remote is on the other side of the room. How will you get it?
What's your favourite subject at school?
What's your best friend like?
What's the perfect prank?
You are: 100% MATILDA!
You couldn't be any more like Matilda if you tried. You love to read, you're a bit of a rebel and enjoy playing pranks. Plus, you can move things with your mind!
You are: 77% MATILDA!
You're a bit of a bookworm and get up to mischief with your best friend!
You are: 34% MATILDA!
You love to read, but that's where the similarity ends. You're well behaved and do your school work on time!
You are: 1% MATILDA!
You don't like pranks, rarely read if you can help it and spend a lot of time picking your nose!