What Nintendo Switch Game Should I Play? Quiz
Spoilt for choice with your Nintendo Switch? Play our What Nintendo Switch Game Should I Play? Quiz.
1/10 What animal is most like you?

Do you even like animals?

Favourite book?

Do you like Elves?

What do you pick at a family barbecue?

Do you like wrestling?

In the mornings I am...

Do you like building things or smashing things up?

My dream job is...

Which one describes you best?

Animal Crossing | Nintendo
Animal Crossing
You're chilled and friendly and perfect to play Animal Crossing!

The Legend of Zelda | Nintendo
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
You're bored and looking for adventure. Feel the breath of the wild on your face with The Legend of Zelda!

Mario Super Smash Bros | Nintendo
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Chill out! You need to unwind with some serious energetic gaming.

Minecraft | Mojang
You've got a creative itch to scratch. Nothing wrong with playing a classic... MINECRAFT!