What % Voldemort Are You?
It's time to find out if you're anything like the Dark Lord himself, Lord Voldemort! Are you 100% evil? Or really nice! Let's see!
He's the ultimate bad guy, but are you anything like Lord Voldemort, scourge of the magical world? It's time to find out with this epic evil quiz! Answer some questions and we'll tell you exactly how Voldemort you are! And if you liked this, check out more Harry Potter quizzes here! How about this ultimate Slytherin quiz, for more bad guys? You might be looking to test yourself on Durmstrang! Or how about this ultimate Hagrid quiz?

What's your evil laugh like?

Pick a quote

Choose another villain

Choose a magical animal

Oh no, there's a cat stuck in a tree! What do you do?

Choose a Death Eater

Are you into revenge?

Pick a version of Voldemort

Choose a wand wood

How do you feel about Harry Potter?

You're nothing like Voldemort, phew! You're a pretty nice person, you don't have snake eyes, and you've never been to Albania, so breathe a sigh of relief!

You've got elements of Voldemort in you, but hey, who doesn't. Maybe you complain about cleaning your room or sometime you think snakes know what you're saying, but that's pretty much it!

Uh oh, you're pretty Voldemort-y, which is ...a concern. You've got an evil laugh, you don't like Muggles, and you're obsessed with seeking revenge. Maybe chill out a bit?

Oh no, you're Voldemort! Everyone run! You're looking for world domination and you'll do anything to get it! Hmm, are you ok? Do you maybe need a hug? Have a nice cup of tea and rethink your life decisions, because it can only end badly!