What Wings of Fire Dragon Are You?
Have you read the Wings of Fire books yet? Find out what Wings of Fire Dragon Are You?

Hey, what's that you're reading?
2/9 What’s your favourite colour?

Dream holiday destination?

What's your favourite snack?

Sesame Street | Sesame Workshop | PBS
You find a £5 note on the floor! What are you gonna do?

Your nightmare scenario is…

Your favourite hobby is what?

When I grow up I might be..?

How To Train Your Dragon | DreamWorks Animation | Paramount Pictures | Chris Sanders, Dean DeBlois
My favourite non Wings of Fire Dragon is..

You're sweet, friendly, caring, and brave. More importantly though, you're a great friend!

You're Tsunami
You're loyal, intelligent, and headstrong. So what if you're bossy and stubborn? It's not your fault you are always right.

You're intelligent, that's for sure, but sometimes, you can be a little sarcastic. That's ok. It's just the way you show somebody you like them, right? Right?

Hardworking and studious, you're never happier than when you've just learnt something interesting. Go you!