What Work of Art Will You Make?
Break all the rules of art with this epic personality quiz!
There are NO rules when it comes to art. If you wanted to, you could paint a picture using a shoe and a football scarf. So what kind of art will you make?
Take this quiz and we'll tell you!

How would your friends describe you?

What are you most interested in?

How do you like to relax?

What item of clothing do you prefer?

What’s your favourite colour?

What motivates you the most?

Which would you be at a fancy dress party?

What’s the meaning of life?

What’s your favourite thing to make art with?

Who's your favourite Beano character?

A crumpled tin can sits in the corner of a white, otherwise empty room. Some people may think someone has thrown some rubbish on the floor but it is a piece of art made to make people think. Why is there a can? What was in the can? Who had the contents of the can? Was the artist a cat, and trying to drop hints it is ALWAYS time for food? No-one can say for certain.

'The Odd Sock'
One of the biggest questions in life is, 'where do all the odd socks go?'. Up until now, no-one has been able to give the correct answer. This piece of art is the answer: here.

'Man's Best Friend'
This is a massive canvas portrait of the best dog in the world. Using only three colours, it is a bold reminder of why dog's are totally blam. Dogs are art. Art is a four-legged friend. And his name is Gnasher.

'Tower of Blam'
Yes, it's a pile of your favourite comic. But it's more than that. It's a pile of laughs, stories and memories. It's also a reminder that your bedroom shelf needs fixing. But for now, it is art.