What's Your Match Attax Style?
Match Attax is one of the premium sticker card selections, but which style are you most like?
There are almost more stickers out there than there are actual players and moments, so it can be pretty difficult to find out which one you’ve got most in common with! But with our famous, and famously Beano method there is really only one place to find out once and for all, so what are you waiting for? Let’s get to it!

What is the most important thing about Match Attax

What do you do to relax?

What planet do you feel like today?

A goat has eaten your favourite card, what do you do?

How do you celebrate a big win?

What is your favourite flavour of ice cream

What genre of music do you like listening to the most?

How much would you give to have ALL the cards ever made?

You think you’ve got some fake cards, how do you check?

What is your favourite sport?

Awesome, you’re the Pride Match Attax! These epic style of cards have some of the latest players and contain hundreds of brilliant action packed cards! Not only this, but there are even a few ultra-rare signed cards! Just like you, this card pack isn’t afraid to be bold and take risks! What a result!

Women superstars
Epic, you’re most like the Women superstars pack! These trailblazing cards celebrate some of the finest in women’s football! A little bit like you, these cards show that there's more to life than the same old boring characters - you like change and for things to keep moving forward! Great stuff!

Nice! You’ve got most in common with the Legends pack style! These classic and legendary players show exactly what it’s like to be at the top of your game! Imagine being so much of a GOAT that you get your own face on a Legends card?! A bit like you, you won’t settle for less and it’s all about being the best you possibly can be! Awesome!

Great stuff! The Match Attax style for you is the celebrations pack! These nifty little cards show some of the coolest and silliest celebrations that players are famous for! Some of them are a bit strange but that’s okay! Imagine what it must feel like to score that winning goal?! You’re the kind of person that likes to enjoy the victories of life, so what could be more perfect!?