Which Angry Bird are You?
Find out which Angry Bird you are in this neat quiz
Which Angry Bird Am I?

Choose a real bird

Choose a dessert

How angry are you?

Candy Crush | King
Choose another game

The Angry Birds Movie 2 | Columbia Pictures Sony Pictures Animation Rovio Entertainment | John Cohen | Thurop Van Orman | Sony Pictures Releasing
Pick an Island

Choose a colour

The Angry Birds Movie 2 | Columbia Pictures Sony Pictures Animation Rovio Entertainment | John Cohen | Thurop Van Orman | Sony Pictures Releasing
Choose an Angry Birds game

The Angry Birds Movie 2 | Columbia Pictures Sony Pictures Animation Rovio Entertainment | John Cohen | Thurop Van Orman | Sony Pictures Releasing
What super power would you most like?

Mighty Eagle
You are Mighty Eagle! Everybody is impressed by you, and you're very powerful and...well, mighty. Nice.

You're Hal! You're a great listener, but a bit of a people pleaser! You're sociable and fun!

You're Red! You can be a bit grumpy, to be honest. A bit...angry. But you're also a great leader who's very sensitive

You're Leonard! You're not a bird at all! But you ARE king of Piggy Island, which is pretty cool.