Which Animal Crossing Villager Are You?
Which one of these animal neighbours is most like you?
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Rarest AnswerYou're Alfonso!
Pick an outfit:
What kind of animal would you rather be?
Which of these is more important:
Pick a quote:
Which of these would you rather have in your house?
Which of these words best describes you?
What theme is your house?
What are you listening to right now?
Where would you rather go on holiday?
You're Alfonso!
You're a Lazy villager like Alfonso, which means you're laid-back, relaxed, and friendly. You're an all-round good neighbour, even if you do fall asleep a lot!
You're Apollo!
You're a Cranky villager - which means you get annoyed easily and can be pretty grumpy sometimes. But once you make a friend you're very loyal, and you keep your house in good shape!
You're Opal!
You're a Snooty villager like Opal the elephant. You're trendy, well-dressed and have a very fashionable house. You can be a bit of a snob sometimes though!
You're Rosie!
You're a Peppy villager, like Animal Crossing favourite Rosie the cat! You're one of the friendliest and most excited villagers in the game, and definitely one of the most popular. Great fashion sense, too!