Which Avatar 2: The Way of Water Character Are You?
Are you a Omaticaya, or a Metkayina? Find out here!
We've been waiting since 2009 but Avatar: The Way of Water is finally here! We can't wait to get back to Pandora and catch up with our favourite characters - but have you ever wondered which Avatar character you're most like? This awesome personality quiz will let you know! While you're here, we've got loads more awesome personality quizzes - find out who you are in Enola Holmes, or maybe you'd prefer to find out who you are in Disney classic Pocahontas?

How would your friends describe you?

Pick a colour!

What's your favourite way to save the planet?

Where's the best place to swim?

What's your favourite thing to do with your bestie?

Pick a special skill you wish you had

What would you do if you were on Pandora for a day?

Which of these traits do you value most?

Which magnificent steed would you like to ride?

What's your favourite kind of theme park ride?

You're curious, intelligent and a natural explorer - and of course, you always do the right thing for your friends and family.

You're smart, strong, brave and a natural leader. What's more, you don't take nonsense from anyone. You're also kind and quick to befriend people!

You're headstrong, curious and maybe a little impulsive! This is a good thing, you're a great explorer and you love meeting new people. Carfeul it doesn't get you in trouble though!

You're a natural leader, strong and nobody's fool. You also care about the environment, and you're probably a keen swimmer! Don't be afraid to let people get close to you, it's always good to make new friends!