Which Disney Descendants Character Reflects Your Personality?
Are you a Maleficent or a Jay? Evie or Carlos? Answer these questions about Descendants and find out!
Play Quiz
Rarest AnswerYou Are Mal!
Pick a Disney film
How would your friends describe you?
Pick a theme park ride
Pick somewhere to live
Pick a Hogwarts house
6/15 Which subject are you best at?
@harryslmjs | Twitter
Pick a superpower:
Whats your favourite animal?
What are your plans for the weekend?
You're playing another school at football and the other team cheats. What do you do?
@Descendants2015 | Twitter
Pick a quote:
This week I have been mostly:
13/15 Favourite time of year?
What are you wearing right now?
You've forgotten to do your homework! What do you do?
@descendants2 | Twitter
You are Mal!
You're a natural born leader, smart and sometimes a bit sneaky... but what would we expect from Maleficent's daughter?
@descendants2 | Twitter
You are Evie!
You're the daughter of the Evil Queen - you're smart, successful...but maybe a little vain!
@descendants2 | Twitter
You are Jay!
Son of Jafar, you're charming and quick-witted (you can be pretty sneaky sometimes though)!
@descendants2 | Twitter
You are Carlos!
You are Carlos, the son of Cruella De Vil. You're a whizz-kid when it comes to technology but you get anxious easily, something that's not helped by your massive fear of dogs!