Which Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire Character Are You?
When there's something strange in your neighbourhood... best do a Ghostbusters-themed personality quiz, then!
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire is the latest paranormal adventure featuring the cast of its prequel Afterlife – and a few more surprises. If you've been lucky enough to see the film, you've probably wondered which character you're most like. This quiz will take out the guess work and give you a solid answer!

Pick something for a Frozen Empire themed breakfast!

What's your favourite item of clothing?

What's your favourite time of year?

Pick a piece of fruit!

What's your favourite part of New York City?

Do you like scary movies?

What's the best thing about living in a fire station?

What do you enjoy most about libraries?

What's your special skill?

Here's the big question. Are you afraid of ghosts?

You are: Gary Grooberson
You're Gary, a teacher who is a total fanboy when it comes to anything to do with science. You're also chuffed that you get to be a Ghostbuster, too!

You are: Phoebe Spengler
As you're Egon Spengler's grand-daughter, it comes as no surprise you're a bit of a nerd and a have a dry sense of humour!

You are: Trevor Spengler
You're a bit of a hero who loves to bust ghosts and fix cars when you're not rushed off your feet saving the day!

You are: Lucky Domingo
You're Lucky! You're brave and love a prank and to joke around!