Which Holes Character Are You?
How would you fit in at Camp Greenlake? Are you Stanley or Zero, or maybe the Warden... or someone from the past? Find out with this super fun, sun-soaked personality quiz!
If Holes is one of your favourite films and you've watched it a million times on Disney+, one question must be right at the fron of your mind - which character am I? Do you think you're the most like Stanley, a fish-out-of water who stumbles into an amazing treasure-filled adventure? Or are you more like the Warden herself, focused on one thing and one thing only? Take the quiz and find out now!
For more Holes, have a go at our awesome trivia quiz! Then stick around for some more personality quizzes - find out who you are in Monsters, Inc. or Lilo and Stitch, or discover which Princess Diaries character would be your best friend!

Pick a fruit or vegetable!

What's the best time of day?

What's your favourite desert animal?

Which of these sounds like the most awful punishment?

Pick a different 2000s Disney live-action movie

What sounds like a dream holiday?

What's your Hogwarts house?

Pick a water-based activity

Pick a make-up item

Which city would you love to live in?

You're Stanley! You might be a little awkward at first, but you're a hero at heart, as well as a true adventurer! Maybe check to see if you have any family curses, though!

You're Zero! You might be shy and quiet at first, but you're hiding a lot of courage and wit! You'd do anything for your friends, and you're the person who everyone wants by their side in an adventure!

Kissin' Kate
You're Kate! You're a sweetheart really, but people shouldn't cross you, and they especially shouldn't mess with your friends!

Warden Walker
You're the Warden! Don't worry, she has some good traits - just like her, you're very determined to get what you want no matter the cost, and you certainly won't put up with any nonsense!