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Which Inside Out Character Are You?

Which Inside Out Character Are You? 😁😱😡

Anger? Disgust? Fear or Joy? Find out which emotion from Inside Out is most like you in this fun personality quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated December 10th 2024

What music are you listening to right now?


What would you rather eat for dinner?


Is this glass half full or half empty?

@disneypixar via giphy

Pick a hair style:


Your teacher shouts at you for something your best friend Leslie O'Bantam did. What do you do now?

Inside Out | Walt Disney Pictures | Pixar Animation Studios | Jonas Rivera | Pete Docter

What do you do when things don't go your way?


Where would you rather go on holiday?


How does the idea of broccoli on pizza make you FEEL?

@disney via giphy

What's your worst nightmare?

@disneypixar via giphy

What do you want for your birthday?

Inside Out | Walt Disney Pictures | Pixar Animation Studios | Jonas Rivera | Pete Docter

You're Joy!

You're the main character from Inside Out, and it's your job to keep Riley happy. You're light-hearted, fun and optimistic - and thankfully you're in charge (most of the time)!

Inside Out | Walt Disney Pictures | Pixar Animation Studios | Jonas Rivera | Pete Docter

You're Sadness!

So you're the sad one, and you can worry a bit too much about things sometimes. You're still a totally healthy and normal emotion though, and in fact - you save the day in the movie. Just don't overdo it!

Inside Out | Walt Disney Pictures | Pixar Animation Studios | Jonas Rivera | Pete Docter

You're Anger!

You're the fiery emotion of Anger, and you're likely to explode without warning whenever things don't go your way. You can be a very useful emotion, especially when life is unfair - but too much of you can be a problem!

Inside Out | Walt Disney Pictures | Pixar Animation Studios | Jonas Rivera | Pete Docter

You're Disgust!

You're a very useful feeling - keeping everyone safe by just retching and getting repulsed. You might seem a bit moody sometimes, but that's just because of all the gross things you have to deal with every day!