Which Modern Disney Princess Are You?
Move over Snow White - find out which modern day Princess is most like you with this epic Disney quiz!

What pet would you rather have?

Pick a hair colour:

Who do you get on best with?

What's the worst thing about school?

Which of these things are you most scared of?

What do you do for a hobby?

Pick a hair style:

Do you have any magic powers?

Which of these things would you not leave the house without?

What are you eating for dinner?

You're Rapunzel!
You're Rapunzel - the princess that was kidnapped for her magical hair and held in a creepy old tower. You're not the kind of Princess to just wait around to be rescued though - you can look after yourself! You also like painting and have a chameleon for a pet - sound about right?

You're Elsa!
You're the eldest Princess from Frozen, gifted with terrifying magical powers. You're so powerful that you plunged the whole of Arendelle into Winter in the first movie - only breaking the spell when you fixed your relationship with your little sister. You're confident, strong, and definitely not a Princess to be messed with!

You're Moana!
You're the daughter of the Chieftain of Motonui. You're fearless, strong-willed and smart enough to sail across the oceans with only an idiot chicken to keep you company. An excellent choice.

You're Merida!
You're Princess Merida of DunBroch, the star of the movie Brave. You're a skilled archer, horserider, sword fighter...in fact, there's not much you can't do! You're probably the strongest of all the Disney Princesses, and definitely the most Scottish!