Which New Emoji Are You? Personality Quiz
There are hundreds of new emojis, but which of them are you?

Which of these is closest to describing your ideal Saturday afternoon?

Where do you sleep?
3/7 Which of these would you most like to eat?

What do your parents do?
5/7 Which of these do you most identify with?
6/7 Which member of Justice League do you think you resemble most?
7/7 What is your favourite colour?

You are the VAMPIRE emoji!
You're a cheerful blood-sucking un-killable Transylvanian member of the undead!

You are the DINOSAUR emoji!
You're a big extinct herbivore, busy a-chompin' on leaves and chilling out in swamps!

You are the HAT emoji!
You are a hat. That's all.

You are the HEDGEHOG emoji!
Little, adorable and able to roll into a ball to defend yourself, you are never happier than when cutely sniffing around or scoffing down a few lovely worms.

You are the MERMAID emoji!
The sea is your domain. Your hair always looks amazing as it floats around your head like a cloud. You hate towels.

You are the SILLY FACE emoji!
You take nothing seriously. It's actually pretty bad. Like, even if you're given serious advice, you laugh it off and do something stupid like eat a pen. You're out of control!