Which Piper Rockelle Squad Member Are You?
Piper Rockelle's squad is a force to be reckoned with. Which one are you most like? Take the quiz and find out!
Are you ready?

What sort of music do you love to listen to?

What's your favourite Fortnite emote?

What's the best prank?

What's the ultimate biscuit?

What's your opinion of homework?

What app are you most likely to check first?

What's the best game to play?

Pick a movie to watch!

What's your favourite day of week that isn't Saturday?

What's the ultimate pet name?

@piperrockelle | Instagram
You are: Piper Rockelle!
You're the leader of the pack. You sing, you dance... you do everything basically!

@itsmelev | Instagram
You are: Lev Khmelev!
You're a talented dancer and can act too!

@fergisophie | Twitter
You are: Sophie Fergi!
You're the queen of pranks and best pals with Piper!

@sawyersharbino | Instagram
You are: Sawyer Sharbino!
You're an actor and most likely a Pisces!