Which Rebecca Zamolo Character Are You?
Which one of Rebecca Zamolo's characters are you most like? Take this highly scientific Youtube quiz to find out!

Which one of these things is your favourite?

What's your favourite time of year?

What's your favourite kind of Youtube videos?

Pick an accessory:

@weezer | giphy
What's your greatest weakness?

What would you rather eat?

Rebecca Zamolo | Youtube
Pick a Rebecca Zamolo video:

Ice cream flavour?

Where would you rather go on holiday?

Rebecca Zamolo | Youtube
Which one of these games would you rather play?

What would you wear to go with these shoes?

Rebecca Zamolo | Youtube
Guess the title of this video by Rebecca - wrong answers only!

@masterchef | giphy
Which of these would you rather eat with mashed potato?

@rebeccazamolo | instagram
Who's your best friend?

Pick an animal:

What would you wear to go with this hat?

@ghr | giphy
Which of these Youtubers would you most like to meet?

What's more important?

@rebeccazamolo | instagram
You've just dropped your phone down the toilet! Now what?!

Rebecca Zamolo | Youtube
What's in this giant cup?

Rebecca Zamolo | Youtube
You're MarioKart Rebecca!
You're the character Rebecca does when she absolutely has to drive around in a go kart and skid on bananas!

Rebecca Zamolo | Youtube
You're Jedi Rebecca!
A long long time ago in a Youtube channel far far away... it's Jedi Rebecca! Not to be confused with Sith Rebecca. She's someone else entirely.

You're Vampire Rebecca!
By far the spookiest of Rebecca's characters, it's Vampire Rebecca! Great choice - just don't do the "I only eat garlic for 24 hours challenge". It won't end well.

Rebecca Zamolo | Youtube
You're Bald Rebecca!
Like regular Rebecca...but with no hair! Yep, if you comb through Rebecca's videos this character appears every now and again. Not happy with this choice? You'd better mullet over!