Which Sam and Cat Character Are You?
How much do you know about the babysitting duo Sam and Cat? Test your TV trivia by taking this test!
Which one of the hilarious Sam and Cat room-mates, neighbours, grandparents or Mixed Martial Arts artists are you? Wow! That’s quite a selection - but what else would you expect from Sam and Cat. If you like the idea of this quiz check out our The Ultimate Sam and Cat Quiz to really test your Sam and Cat knowledge. And do some EXTREME stage-school quizzing with this Hardest VICTORiOUS Quiz Ever!

Watching TV with a roomie. What’s on the box?

Neighbours popping over to hang. What snack’s are you serving?

It’s not easy sharing an apartment. How often do you clean the kitchen?

What are your dream wheels?

How would your friends describe you?

Choose an item for your wardrobe!

Pick a sandwich!

What is your babysitting style?

Favourite sport?

Who’s your favourite minor character from Sam and Cat?

You’re Sam. Like Sam you’re not afraid of anything and know there’s not a problem that you can’t fight your way out of!

You’re Cat.
You’re Cat. Crazy, kooky but (like Ariane Grande) with a VERY big future ahead!

You’re Dice
Just like Diceneo "Dice" J. Corleone you’re one sharp customer. But being smart, slick and a master of the deal, doesn’t make you a bad person. You’re secretly quite nice!