Who Am I? Quiz
Who the Dickens are you? Do you even know? Take this ultimate quiz and find out once and for all who you are and what your deal is!

What would be your ideal holiday?

Which meal would you most like to eat?

Pick a colour.

If you had to be eaten by a celebrity, who would it be?

How would your friends describe you?

What would your favourite item of clothing be?

What annoys you?

Pick your favourite part of an oil tanker.

What is your dream?

What are you most likely to say?

Party Animal!
You are a party animal! You love a good time, don't take life too seriously and you always, ALWAYS - know where the party at, son. Great job!

Angry Dentist!
You are an angry dentist! Fluoride is your friend, and you cannot bear poor dental hygiene. Why can't people just brush their teeth? Don't get me started. Now spit!

Green Warrior!
You are a green warrior! You are caring and passionate about the future of our planet! You're all about the environment, and doing the right thing. Well done!

People Person!
You are a people person! You are super social and always put others first. You are loyal, kind and can always be relied upon. You are properly people proficient - a pretty positive pal. Pasta. Great job!