Wonka's Walloping Trivia Quiz
There’s so much to the wonderful chocolatey world of Wonka - but do you know it all?
Wonka’s recipes are world famous, but some of them are hidden by a world of secrets! How does he make those chocolates?! Now we might not be able to answer all of those questions, but we can definitely put your brain to the test! So why not have a go at these 10 tricky questions and see how many you can get right!? Only true chocolate experts will get them all!

What is ‘the most solemn vow’ there is?

What does the chocolate do to the chocolate cartel?

What is Wonka’s best friend called?

What animal is let loose in the cathedral?

What colour is Lofty’s hair?

Where does the salt come from in Wonka’s ‘Hover Chocs’?

According to Slugworth - what should chocolate be?

Where do the Oompa Loompas live?

What does the Chief of Police do to Wonka?

What recipe does Finklegruber steal?

Oh dear! Okay! This isn't your best work! But remember, Wonka spent his whole life perfecting his recipes. It took time and practice, patience and commitment - plus a little bit of magic! So don’t worry, just keep at it, and why not have another go and see if you can score higher a second time around?! You’ve got this! Give it a try!

Alright! Not bad! You clearly know your stuff when it comes to Wonka and his world! But we think that you could have an even chocolatier brain, so why not dive deep into it and see if you score higher another time around? It’s worth a shot right - Wonka didn’t give up so neither should you! You’ve got this! Let’s go!!!

Pow! You’re really flying here - you must have eaten one of Wonka’s famous Hover Chocs because you’re moving differently through this quiz! Well done! What a result, but we all know that results only come with hard work, it’s not just luck, there is skill in this so keep at it! Now you’ve nearly scored 100% on this quiz, so perhaps it’s worth having another go? You might be able to get full marks! Wouldn’t that be something?!

Blam! You’ve done it! You’re the real Wonka expert! There isn’t anyone, except maybe Roald Dahl himself that knows more about the whimsical world of Wonka and how this whole journey started! What a great result, so savour it, you’ve done really well and you deserve to enjoy the glory of being a true Wonka GOAT! Nice work - why not check out some of the other quizzes we’ve got and see if you can smash them too?