YouTube Facts
How many of these crazy YouTube facts did you know?
YouTube is full of cool stuff - but it's also full of cool facts! Billions of people, views and likes come together on YouTube every day - check out these awesome facts about YouTube!
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YouTube was founded in 2005
That's a long time ago! It was founded by some guys who worked for Paypal, and originally they planned for it to be a dating site!

1 billion hours of YouTube are watched a day!
No, there aren't a billion hours in a day, but put together, it adds up to that! That's 31 YEARS of YouTube a day!

Gangnam Style broke YouTube
Gangnam Style was so popular that YouTube couldn't cope with the number of people watching it!

YouTube is the 2nd most visited site in the world
After Google, YouTube is the most visited site! That's billions of people checking in every day!

YouTube's headquarters are in California and they have a slide
The YouTube headwquarters also includes a SLIDE for employees if they don't want to use the stairs! Bet you wish you had one of those at school!

The first ever YoutTbe video was at the San Diego zoo, which has over 3,700 animals! They probably don't watch much YouTube though...
It showed one of the founders going around the zoo, which

'Hello' by Adele reached 1 billion views in only 88 days
At the time it was the quickest ever video to reach 1 billion views! Well done Adele!

YouTube is banned in some countries
YouTube has been banned (and then sometimes unbanned) in countries like Russia, China, Syria and North Korea among others. How would you cope if you couldn't watch YouTube? No more silly dog videos?!

Music is the most popular topic searched
Duh! Music makes up billions of searches on YouTube. Do you have a favourite music video that you keep watching over and over again?

Justin Bieber started on YouTube
In 2007 Justin Bieber started uploading videos to YouTube. He was just 12 years old at the time, and no one knew who he was! Now he's one of the most famous people in the world. Who knows who the next Youtube superstar will be?