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Thursday's 50 Question Mega Quiz – Ultimate Animals

Epic Animal Quiz: Can You Get All 55 Questions Right?

How much do you know about the animal kingdom? Take this gigantic animal quiz and find out!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 21st 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 21st 2024

From the furry to feathered, scaly to slimy, the animal kingdom is full of amazing creatures that will leave you rocking with laughter and in total awe, too!

First up, let's talk about the stars of animal comedy - the monkeys! These cheeky lads and lasses swing from branch to branch with their daft antics and naughty grins. Whether they're stealing snacks from unsuspecting visitors or relaxing on a branch, you can always count on monkeys for a good laugh.

Next on our roll call of awesome are the majestic birds of paradise! These feathered creatures have some serious moves. From dazzling displays of plumage to mesmerising rituals, they know how to put on a show! You won't be able to resist throwing some little avian-style moves after watching these fancy fliers in action.

Now, let's slither our way into the world of snakes! Ssssee what we did there? While some might find them a bit "eww", there's no denying that they're fascinating animals. Did you know that some snakes can unhinge their jaws to swallow prey larger than their heads? Talk about jaw-dropping talent! Imagine doing that so you could enjoy a big dinner!

For all the underwater adventurers out there, let's dive into the ocean and talk about the incredible sea creatures! From the playful dolphins who love to splash around in the waves to the clever octopuses that seem to be able to predict the outcome of a football match (this actually happened), the sea is teeming with marvellous marine mates.

But wait, there's more! We can't forget about the super speedy cheetahs, dogs, the adorable pandas munching on bamboo, and the ever-curious meerkats keeping watch for danger. Oh, and let's not overlook the legendary creatures like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot - are they real or just products of our wild imaginations? That's another chat for another time – because it's time to test your animal trivia!

How much do you know about the animal kingdom? Could you compete with Sir David Attenborough and get a perfect score? Why not find out now?

Good luck!

1/55 Snow Leopard with derpy llama

Which of these animals is now extinct?

2/55 Polar bear with derpy snowman

Do polar bears live in the North or South pole?

3/55 Lion with derpy wildebeest

True or false: Lions prefer fish to deer meat?

4/55 Tower of London with Beano raven and splat

What bird is traditionally kept at the tower of London?

5/55 Screaming cat and ancient Egyptian ruins

Which animal did the ancient Egyptians worship at gods?

6/55 Shark

How many teeth will sharks grow and lose in their lifetime?

7/55 A baby horse

What is a newborn horse called?

8/55 An old guinea pig

Snowball was the oldest recorded guinea pig. What age did they reach?

9/55 A sea turtle

What is the largest type of sea turtle?

10/55 A turkey

What's that red dangly bit on a turkey called?

11/55 A baby eagle

What's the correct term for a baby eagle?

12/55 A tiger

Where in the world do tigers live?

13/55 Koala bear

Koala bears are not actually bears. True or false?

14/55 A leaping cat

How many bones does a cat have?

15/55 A dog bum

What type of dog bum is this?

16/55 A bald eagle

What's the fastest flying bird in the world?

17/55 A hummingbird

A hummingbird flap its wings 80 times per second. True or false?

18/55 A cat looking at your quiz

What percentage of a cat's skeleton makes up their tail?

19/55 A bat and a poo

Why would bat poo sparkle?

20/55 A barking dog

Which breed of dog can't bark?

21/55 Rat Snake

What's the biggest snake in the world?

22/55 A snake under a magnifying glass

What's the smallest snake, then?

23/55 A dog smiling for the purpose of this quiz

How many teeth does an adult dog have?

24/55 A massive, sleepy snail

How long can a snail sleep for?

25/55 A very alert dog

Which animal never goes to sleep?

26/55 A group of fish

What are a group of fish called?

27/55 People thinking

What is an ocelot?

28/55 A lovely prawn

Where would you find a prawn's heart?

29/55 A slug

How many noses does a slug have?

30/55 A giraffe

A giraffe has no vocal cords. True or false?

31/55 Honey bee

A honey bee has six eyes. True or false?

32/55 A ladybird

What colour are a ladybird's spots?

33/55 An octopus

How many hearts does an octopus have?

34/55 Shrugging

Turritopsis dohrnii is also known as what?

35/55 A man frightened of a spider

What is a fear of spiders called?

36/55 A koala

A koala's fingerprints are similar to a human's. True or false?

37/55 A bat

When leaving a cave, which direction do bats always turn? 

38/55 Tiger stripes

Tigers have striped skin. True or false?

39/55 A cool sea otter

What do sea otters do while they sleep so they don't drift away?

40/55 A prairie dog

How do prairie dogs greet each other?

41/55 A whitetail deer

How fast can whitetail deer run?

42/55 Hartebeest

How do Hartebeest protect themselves from predators?

43/55 A cat holding two lollipops

Why do cats not tend to eat sweet things?

44/55 A wombat using the toilet

What shape is wombat poo?

45/55 Penguins

How much ice in the Antarctic glaciers are made of penguin wee?

46/55 An elderly fish

Which fish has the longest lifespan?

47/55 A man holding two eggs

Which bird lays the largest egg?

48/55 A puffer fish

Which sea creature lays the largest eggs?

49/55 A snake biting a burger

What part of the body do snakes use to smell?

50/55 A crocodile

The saltwater crocodile lays the smallest of all reptile eggs. True or false?

51/55 A lion having fun

Which of the following animals do not have a brain?

52/55 A snake's eye

What is the most venomous snake in the world?

53/55 A shocked man

What is an Addax?

54/55 Armadillo

What does armadillo mean in Spanish?

55/55 A big ant

What's the biggest animal in the world?

Oh no! Better luck next time!

Good try

Good try! Why not look at every animal in the world, then have another go? 

Great work

Great work! You're a bit of an animal expert!


Wow! You're an animal trivia legend!