Don’t Mess With This Donatello TMNT Quiz!
Have a go and see how much you know about this hard-shelled hero of the New York City sewers!
Are you a fan of these nunchuk-swinging reptiles? You’ll need to be a Teenage Mutant superfan to know which of the Ninja Turtles is which! This quiz is all about Donatello - so let’s test those Turtle skills! Cowabunga!
If you'd rather test yourself on one of the other mutant Turtle gang, we've got quizzes on the rest of them too!

Donatello is…

Donatello’s weapon is a… what?

What colour bandana does he have?

What do the other turtles call him for short?

Donatello is the youngest of the brothers. True or false?

Which of these sentences is true?

What does Donatello REALLY want, more than anything?

What does Donatello like most out of these things?

Donatello was a tortoise in the original comic, not a turtle. True or false?

Donatello gets his name from a famous painter. Where was the original Donatello from?

Bah! Tough luck! This is not your best work! You'd better watch TMNT a few more times and come back and try again! Better luck next time, mutant turtle fans!

Nice! Not bad at all! You definitely know a few things about Donnie and his mutant turtle brothers. Unfortunately you still missed out on a few right answers but never mind. You can always try a different quiz and see if you score any higher!

Rad! This is a great score! You clearly know loads of stuff about Donnie and the mutant ninja turtles! Great work! You ALMOST got 100%... but not quite. Can you beat this score on a different quiz?

Cowabunga! This is the perfect score! You're an expert on all things Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle! Well done - now there's no improving on this perfect score, but you might be able to match it on a different movie quiz! Let's find out!