Can You Ace this Legendary Leonardo TMNT Trivia Quiz?
Is Leo your favourite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? Take this epic movie quiz and find out how much you know!
These heroes in a hard shell are the toughest in the gritty (and probably very stinky) New York sewer. But can you tell the difference between all four of them? Is he the funny one? The tough guy? Test your knowledge of Leonardo here!
Let's get quizzing!

What weapon does he use?

Leonardo is…

What colour bandana does he have?

What do the other turtles call him for short?

He's the youngest of the brothers. True or false?

Which of these sentences is true?

When does he get worried?

Which of these things is his favourite?

Leonardo secretly dislikes Splinter. True or false?

Leonardo gets his name from a famous artist. Which Leonardo?

Grrrrrr! Oh no! Leonardo is not impressed with this score! You'd better have another go at this quiz and just hope you manage to score higher! If not don't worry - lots more mutant ninja turtle quizzes where this one came from!

Not bad! Leonardo has definitely seen worse than this. But it's not the high score he was after either... do you know where you went wrong? Have another go at this quiz and see if you can score a bit higher next time!

Yes! Great work! This is very nicely done! Someone clearly knows a lot about Leo and TMNT! (That someone is you, by the way) Now - can you beat this almost perfect score on a different movie quiz? There's only one way to find out!

Amazing! Brilliant! Fantastic! Rad! You nailed this quiz and scored a stonking 10/10! Great work. Now... do you think you can match this perfect score on a different movie quiz? Let's find out!