Can You Name All 18 Of These Animals Quiz?
There are millions of species of animal in the world, can you name these 18?
The natural world can teach us so much and we humans share planet Earth with thousands of beautiful, clever and incredible creatures. Making sure we know as much about them is really important so that we can look after them. So why not take this animal quiz and see how much you know!?

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Name this animal!

Oh dear! Not your best work, but it's okay, you've got to start your journey to becoming the new David Attenborough somewhere! Why not have another go?

Nice stuff, you clearly know your bats from your cats! There is still some room for improvement though so why not jump back into the natural world and see if you can score higher?

Great work! You scored really high on this quiz and you should be pleased! There aren’t many animals you can’t name so well done! Why not try the quiz again, but blindfolded this time? Oh wait, that won’t work!

Excellent! What an amazing score, maybe you should think about becoming a vet? Or even a scientist! With knowledge like yours there’s not much that can stop you - well done!