Personality Quiz: How Dinosaur Are You?
Are you a T-rex or a bit of a Diplodocus? Take this quiz and find out now!
Let's find out, shall we?

What are you like first thing in the morning?

What do you like to have for breakfast?

America's Funniest Home Videos | Giphy
How do you get to school?

What's your opinion of salad?

Jurassic Park | Producers: Kathleen Kennedy, Gerald R. Molen | Director: Steven Spielberg | Amblin Entertainment
What's your favourite film?

In just one word, how would your friends describe you?

You've got a free afternoon. How would you like to spend it?

What's the best type of dessert?

Can you climb a tree?

Pick a theme park!

You are: T-REX!
You're loud, stomp around and can't fit into small shops. But you're handy getting things off the roof, so that's good!

You're like a prehistoric giraffe and partial to ice cream – just like any dinosaur, really.

Your friends insist on hanging their coats off you, but apart from that, you're great at video games and love a bag of crisps.

You have to sit at the back of cinemas because you're massive dinosaur! Apart from that, you're fun to be around!