Personality Quiz: What % Loot Llama Are You?
Every wondered how much of your DNA is actually made from Fortnite's Loot Llamas? Take the quiz and find out!
Let's go!

What colour clothes do you normally wear when you're not at school?

What sort of bag do you keep your stuff in?

What sort of face do you pull when someone's taking a photo?

What's the greatest snack ever?

How do you react when you realise you've forgotten to do your homework?

What sort of video games do you enjoy playing?

What sort of music do you enjoy listening to?

Pick a film!

How many sweets do you eat during the week?
10/10 Which of the following is your spirit animal?

Epic Games
You are: 0% Llama Loot!
Even with a scientist using a microscope, we can confirm that you are Llama Loot free!

Epic Games
You are: 50% Llama Loot!
We've double-checked the results and can reveal you're exactly half Llama Loot!

Epic Games
You are: 82% Llama Loot!
Wow, that's a high percentage of Llama Lootery!

Epic Games
You are: 100% Llama Loot!
From your head to your toes, you're completely Llama Loot and that's how it goes! Hey, that rhymes!