Personality Quiz: What % Rubber Chicken Are You?
Take our scientific quiz and discover if you're just like a bright yellow toy or not!
Good cluck!

What's the first thing you say when you wake up?

What do you like to do in the morning before school?

What's your favourite type of breakfast?

What's the weirdest sound you can make?

Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions | Warner Bros Television
What are your friends like?

What's your least favourite subject at school?

What's the first thing you think of when you see this picture?

How would you describe your sense of humour?

Your teacher is about to sit on a Whoopee Cushion. What do you do?

Could a rubber chicken become Prime Minister?

You couldn't be anything like a rubber chicken if you tried. Sorry!

You are: 15% RUBBER CHICKEN!
You've got a few rubber chicken qualities but no-one knew... until now!

You are: 77% RUBBER CHICKEN!
You thought you were going to get away with it, didn't you? But many of your answers gave you away! Squeaaaaak!

You are: 100% RUBBER CHICKEN!
There's no doubt about it, you're just like a rubber chicken. Don't blame us, blame our top-of-the-range scientific quiz equipment!