Personality Quiz: Which Animal Would Be Your BFF?
Sure, you've got human friends. But which animal would be your best mate? Find out now!
Let's see, shall we?

It's Sunday afternoon. What do you like to do?

What's your favourite snack?

How do you feel about going to the park?

What's the best thing about going to the swimming pool?

What's the best type of cake?

How would your friends describe you?

You're thirsty. What drink would you like?

When do you do your homework?

What state is your bedroom in?

Friends | Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions | Warner Bros Television
What's your favourite character from Friends?

Your BFF is a: CAT!
As fan of naps, snacks and watching TV, it's no wonder you're perfectly matched to be a cat's pal!

Your BFF is a: DOG!
Running around, snacks and days out in the park, you say? It's obvious you'd be BFFs with a dog. This one is called Keith.

Your BFF is a: MEERKAT!
We bet you weren't expecting this! You'll have to be prepared to stand very still and go to the cinema a lot.

Your BFF is a: NARWHAL!
Your animal mate would be this medium-sized toothed whale and you have the added bonus of having somewhere to hang your coat.