What Shark Am I?
Which of these sneaky hunters of the deep are you most like? Take the quiz and find out!
Let's find out!

Which subject do you enjoy most?

Which film would you watch over and over again?

Pick a snack.

What kind of beach do you like the most?

What's the most fancy cake you can think of right now?

Which Disney song do you like to sing when you're getting ready to go out?

Describe your swimming style!

What job would you like to do when you're older?

What sort of music do you like the most?

What's the best crisp flavour?

You are a: GREAT WHITE!
You're clearly a type of large mackerel shark who silently patrols the waters with a menacing frown!

You are a: HAMMERHEAD!
Your head is shaped like a hammer, basically. Handy for DIY projects or pretending to be a seabound West Ham United mascot!

You are a: WHALE SHARK!
Are you a whale or a shark? Make your mind up, mate!

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